
The Bridge Generation

2025 - A Dynamic Year of Transitions and Transformations

The Magic of Life is Yours to Create

2025 - Completions and New Beginings

2nd New Moon Heralds Dynamic Changes

In these quiet final days of December as we say good-bye to the chaotic emotional energy of 2024, the new energy of 2025 is already coming in. 2025 is a “9” year symbolizing completion but also simultaneously new beginnings as well.  The Dec. 30th “Black Moon” is very rare, more so that a "2nd full moon known as a “Blue Moon”. This is the perfect moon for setting new intentions with this new moon in Capricorn. Set your intentions for practical security and greater authenticity for your future.

In Japan, the theme of these final days of the year is clean and declutter!  No one wants to carry old “stuff” into the New Year.  The New Year symbolizes an opportunity to start over or to begin something new.  The Chinese New Year which begins on January 29th will usher in the year of the wood snake, a symbol of transformation, rebirth and healing.  With shedding of its skin, expect many changes and fluxuations.

Release what you no longer need;

What do you intentionally want to create?

I am grateful to report that 33 people filled Balancing 4 Life to celebrate the Winter Solstice with Native American Bear Walker on the 21st. The ceremony was about identifying what old seeds of habits, behaviors, relationships, etc. no longer serve you and what you wish to leave behind. It was also about claiming what seeds you wish to carry forward to the Spring Equinox. It is not too late.  Make time now during these quiet final days of December to set aside what no longer serves your ability to live authentically and express your true nature.  We have all learned what we don’t want.

Choose 4 seeds that you want to preserve and carry forward into 2025.  Work with the power of this Black Moon to create space within yourself for creativity and imagination and new beginnings. What would you like to create in your life for 2025? Gift yourself moments of stillness in these final days of the year to connect with what you desire. See yourself enjoying something new. Your creative, focused attention on a new way of being in the coming year and imagining the joyful experience of it, will magnetize it towards you. Be in resonance with what you want to attract!  

Bear Walker invited us to carry this message in our hearts:

“I AM a being of boundless potential.  My future is unfolding perfectly”.

A New Moral Compass

The first half of 2025 may seem confusing, without a sense of direction or concensus. There maybe more threats of war.  But whatever transpires, remain grounded in your Truth and be in the present moment. Be courageous in standing for your authenticity and freedom of expression. Remember that separation and fear are only illusions of the mind.  If you feel pulled off track, take a few conscious breaths and reconnect to all that is through your heart. We are all here on purpose to bring our light as wayshowers to usher in this new, magnificent age of humanitarianism and energy on Earth.

New Innovations and Technology

As we turn the corner to 2025 and fully embrace the Aquarian Age we will begin to marvel very soon at the new technologies arising and the ability of AI to assist scientists in making discoveries in shorter amounts of time, to help us find cures for deadly diseases, to find new methods for healing aging ailments such as macular degeneration and to engineer new tools to clean our environment and more. The future is bright.  The jobs our grandchildren will pursue have not been invented yet.

My sincere gratitude to each of you for your support for reading these newsletters, attending programs and coming for private services this past year.  Moving my office to Armonk and travelling to Japan in October to finish my Shihan teacher training for Jikiden Reiki was a huge undertaking. I look forward to creating more new programs that will inspire you, invite you to grow, heal and enjoy the support of a growing conscious community at Balancing 4 Life.  Happy New Year!
